The Yugoslav Student Summer Program at the University of Illinois lasted 12 years from 1990 - 2002. The purpose of the Program was to introduce Graduate Programs in the US to students in Yugoslavia, to encourage the students to apply and to inform them about possibilities of getting graduate student fellowships. The Program achieved its goal: 296 students and research assistants participated in it and as a result many of them, or their colleagues who were not lucky enough to get into the Program, were enrolled in the US Graduate Programs and obtained full fellowships.
The idea of creating the website for this unique Program came from the former Program participants. The purpose of the website would be to continue to assist the next generations of the students and the university graduates to come. Namely, the website with the names of successful professionals across the disciplines would serve to advise young generations about the possibilities for Graduate Education in the US and elsewhere and also to offer information for potential employment. For that reason we invite all former Program participants and successful professionals in Serbia, in all states of the former Yugoslavia, as well as from Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Bosnian and Macedonian diaspora to put their names and email addresses on this website.