Updated 12/2024
Copyright notice
Keyur Joshi, Rahul Singh, Tommaso Bassetto, Sarita Adve, Darko Marinov, and Sasa Misailovic
FastFlip: Compositional SDC Resiliency Analysis
21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
(CGO 2025), pages to-appear, Las Vegas, NV, March 2025
Hao Wang, Pu (Luke) Yi, Jeremias Parladorio, Wing Lam, Darko Marinov, and Tao Xie
Hierarchy-Aware Regression Test Prioritization
35th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
(ISSRE 2024), pages 343-354, Tsukuba, Japan, October 2024
Muhammad Salman Abid, Mrigank Pawagi, Sugam Adhikari, Xuyan Cheng, Ryed Badr, Md Wahiduzzaman, Vedant Rathi, Ronghui Qi, Choiyin Li, Lu Liu, Rohit Sai Naidu, Licheng Lin, Que Liu, Asif Zubayer Palak, Mehzabin Haque, Xinyu Chen, Darko Marinov, and Saikat Dutta
GlueTest: Testing Code Translation via Language Interoperability
40th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, New Ideas and Emerging Results
(ICSME NIER 2024), pages 612-617, Flagstaff, AZ, October 2024
Runxiang Cheng, Shuai Wang, Reyhaneh Jabbarvand, and Darko Marinov
Revisiting Test-Case Prioritization on Long-Running Test Suites
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2024), pages 615-627, Vienna, Austria, September 2024
Shuai Wang, Xinyu Lian, Qingyu Li, Darko Marinov, and Tianyin Xu
Ctest4J: A Practical Configuration Testing Framework for Java
32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Demo Papers
(FSE Demo 2024), pages 562-566, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, July 2024
Samuel Grayson, Faustino Aguilar, Reed Milewicz, Daniel S. Katz, and Darko Marinov
A Benchmark Suite and Performance Analysis of User-Space Provenance Collectors
2nd ACM Conference on Reproducibility and Replicability
(ACM REP 2024), pages 85-95, Rennes, France, June 2024
Faustino Aguilar, Samuel Grayson, and Darko Marinov
Reproducing and Improving the BugsInPy Dataset
23rd IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Engineering Track
(SCAM 2023), pages 260-264, Bogota, Colombia, October 2023
Yang Chen, Alperen Yildiz, Darko Marinov, and Reyhaneh Jabbarvand
Transforming Test Suites into Croissants
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2023), pages 1080-1092, Seattle, WA, July 2023
Samuel Grayson, Darko Marinov, Daniel S. Katz, and Reed Milewicz
Automatic Reproduction of Workflows in the Snakemake Workflow Catalog and nf-core Registries
1st ACM Conference on Reproducibility and Replicability
(ACM REP 2023), pages 74-84, Santa Cruz, CA, June 2023
Chunqiu Steven Xia, Saikat Dutta, Sasa Misailovic, Darko Marinov, and Lingming Zhang
Balancing Effectiveness and Flakiness of Non-Deterministic Machine Learning Tests
45th International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2023), pages 1805-1817, Melbourne, Australia, May 2023
Shuai Wang, Xinyu Lian, Darko Marinov, and Tianyin Xu
Test Selection for Unified Regression Testing
45th International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2023), pages 1691-1703, Melbourne, Australia, May 2023
Chao Wang, Hao He, Uma Pal, Darko Marinov, and Minghui Zhou
Suboptimal Comments in Java Projects: From Independent Comment Changes to Commenting Practices
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
(ACM TOSEM), 32(2):45:1-45:33, April 2023
Anjiang Wei, Pu Yi, Zhengxi Li, Tao Xie, Darko Marinov, and Wing Lam
Preempting Flaky Tests via Non-Idempotent-Outcome Tests
44th International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2022), pages 1730-1742, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2022
Pu Yi, Hao Wang, Tao Xie, Darko Marinov, and Wing Lam
A Theoretical Analysis of Random Regression Test Prioritization
28th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
(TACAS 2022), pages 217-235, Munich, Germany, April 2022
Zirui Neil Zhao, Houxiang Ji, Adam Morrison, Darko Marinov, and Josep Torrellas
Pinned Loads: Taming Speculative Loads in Secure Processors
27th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
(ASPLOS 2022), pages 314-328, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2022
Wenxi Wang, Pu Yi, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Darko Marinov
Initial Results on Counting Test Orders for Order-Dependent Flaky Tests using Alloy
33rd IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems
(ICTSS 2021), pages 123-130, Virtual Conference, November 2021 (Short paper.)
Runxiang Cheng, Lingming Zhang, Darko Marinov, and Tianyin Xu
Test-Case Prioritization for Configuration Testing
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2021), pages 452-465, Virtual Conference, July 2021
(This paper won an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.)
Pu Yi, Anjiang Wei, Wing Lam, Tao Xie, and Darko Marinov
Finding Polluter Tests Using Java PathFinder
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
(SEN 2021), 46(3), pages 37-41, July 2021
(Extended paper of abstract presented at Java Pathfinder Online Day (JPF 2020), Virtual Workshop, November 2020)
Matthew S. Krafczyk, August Shi, Adhithya Bhaskar, Darko Marinov, and Victoria Stodden
Learning from Reproducing Computational Results: Introducing Three Principles and the Reproduction Package
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
(PTRSA 2021), 379(2197):Paper 20200069, 28 pp., May 2021
Peilun Zhang, Yanjie Jiang, Anjiang Wei, Victoria Stodden, Darko Marinov, and August Shi
Domain-Specific Fixes for Flaky Tests with Wrong Assumptions on Underdetermined Specifications
43rd International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2021), pages 50-61, Virtual Conference, May 2021
Anjiang Wei, Pu Yi, Tao Xie, Darko Marinov, and Wing Lam
Probabilistic and Systematic Coverage of Consecutive Test-Method Pairs for Detecting Order-Dependent Flaky Tests
27th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
(TACAS 2021), pages 270-287, Virtual Conference, Mar. 2021
Wing Lam, Stefan Winter, Anjiang Wei, Tao Xie, Darko Marinov, and Jonathan Bell
A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study of Flaky Tests
35th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
(OOPSLA 2020), pages 202:1-202:29, Virtual Conference, Nov. 2020
Jiayi Yang, Wenxi Wang, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
AlloyMC: Alloy Meets Model Counting
28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Demo Papers
(ESEC/FSE Demo 2020), pages 1541-1545, Virtual Conference, Nov. 2020
Wing Lam, Stefan Winter, Angello Astorga, Victoria Stodden, and Darko Marinov
Understanding Reproducibility and Characteristics of Flaky Tests Through Test Reruns in Java Projects
31st IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
(ISSRE 2020), pages 403-413, Virtual Conference, Oct. 2020
Kaiyuan Wang, Allison Sullivan, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Fault Localization for Declarative Models in Alloy
31st IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
(ISSRE 2020), pages 391-402, Virtual Conference, Oct. 2020
Zirui Neil Zhao, Houxiang Ji, Mengjia Yan, Jiyong Yu, Christopher W. Fletcher, Adam Morrison, Darko Marinov, and Josep Torrellas
Speculation Invariance (InvarSpec): Faster Safe Execution Through Program Analysis
53rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture
(MICRO 2020), pages 1138-1152, Virtual Conference, Oct. 2020
Emily M. Hastings, Albatool Alamri, Andrew Kuznetsov, Christine Pisarczyk, Karrie Karahalios, Darko Marinov, and Brian P. Bailey
LIFT: Integrating Stakeholder Voices into Algorithmic Team Formation
38th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing System
(CHI 2020), paper 668, 13 pages, Canceled Conference, Apr. 2020
Owolabi Legunsen, Nader Al Awar, Xinyue Xu, Wajih Ul Hassan, Grigore Rosu, and Darko Marinov
How Effective are Existing Java API Specifications for Finding Bugs During Runtime Verification?
Automated Software Engineering Journal
(JASE 2019), 26(4):795-837, Dec. 2019
Allison Sullivan, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Solution Enumeration Abstraction: A Modeling Idiom to Enhance a Lightweight Formal Method
21st International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods
(ICFEM 2019), pages 336-352, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2019
August Shi, Peiyuan Zhao, and Darko Marinov
Understanding and Improving Regression Test Selection in Continuous Integration
30th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Practical Experience Report
(ISSRE 2019), pages 228-238, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 2019 (Practical experience report.)
August Shi, Milica Hadzi-Tanovic, Lingming Zhang, Darko Marinov, and Owolabi Legunsen
Reflection-Aware Static Regression Test Selection
34th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
(OOPSLA 2019), pages 187:1-187:29, Athens, Greece, Oct. 2019
August Shi, Wing Lam, Reed Oei, Tao Xie, and Darko Marinov
iFixFlakies: A Framework for Automatically Fixing Order-Dependent Flaky Tests
27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
(ESEC/FSE 2019), pages 545-555, Tallinn, Estonia, Aug. 2019
August Shi, Jonathan Bell, and Darko Marinov
Mitigating the Effects of Flaky Tests on Mutation Testing
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2019), pages 112-122, Beijing, China, July 2019
Radha Venkatagiri, Khalique Ahmed, Abdulrahman Mahmoud, Sasa Misailovic, Darko Marinov, Christopher W. Fletcher, and Sarita V. Adve
gem5-Approxilyzer: An Open-Source Tool for Application-level Soft Error Analysis
49th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Tool Paper
(DSN 2019), pages 214-221, Portland, OR, June 2019 (Tool paper.)
Matthew Krafczyk, August Shi, Adhithya Bhaskar, Darko Marinov, and Victoria Stodden
Scientific Tests and Continuous Integration Strategies to Enhance Reproducibility in the Scientific Software Context
2nd International Workshop on Practical Reproducible Evaluation of Computer Systems
(P-RECS 2019), pages 23-28, Phoenix, AZ, June 2019
Vimuth Fernando, Keyur Joshi, Darko Marinov, and Sasa Misailovic
Identifying Optimal Parameters for Approximate Randomized Algorithms
Workshop on Approximate Computing Across the Stack
(WAX 2019), Phoenix, AZ, June 2019
Brandon Carlson, Kevin Leach, Darko Marinov, Meiyappan Nagappan, and Atul Prakash
Open Source Vulnerability Notification
15th International Conference on Open Source Systems
(OSS 2019), pages 12-23, Montreal, Canada, May 2019 (Industry report.)
Official proceedings version with a different layout
Wing Lam, Reed Oei, August Shi, Darko Marinov, and Tao Xie
iDFlakies: A Framework for Detecting and Partially Classifying Flaky Tests
12th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
(ICST 2019), pages 312-322, Xi’an, China, Apr. 2019
Owolabi Legunsen, Yi Zhang, Milica Hadzi-Tanovic, Grigore Rosu, and Darko Marinov
Techniques for Evolution-Aware Runtime Verification
12th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
(ICST 2019), pages 300-311, Xi’an, China, Apr. 2019
Farah Hariri, August Shi, Vimuth Fernando, Suleman Mahmood, and Darko Marinov
Comparing Mutation Testing at the Levels of Source Code and Compiler Intermediate Representation
12th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
(ICST 2019), pages 114-124, Xi’an, China, Apr. 2019
Abdulrahman Mahmoud, Radha Venkatagiri, Khalique Ahmed, Sasa Misailovic, Darko Marinov, Christopher W. Fletcher, and Sarita V. Adve
Minotaur: Adapting Software Testing Techniques for Hardware Errors
24th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
(ASPLOS 2019), pages 1087-1103, Providence, RI, Apr. 2019
Kaiyuan Wang, Allison Sullivan, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
ASketch: A Sketching Framework for Alloy
26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Demo Papers
(FSE Demo 2018), pages 916-919, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Nov. 2018
Emily M. Hastings, Farnaz Jahanbakhsh, Karrie Karahalios, Darko Marinov, and Brian P. Bailey
Structure or Nurture? The Effects of Team-Building Activities and Team Composition on Team Outcomes
21st ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
(CSCW 2018), pages 68:1-68:21, Jersey City, NJ, Nov. 2018
Alex Gyori, Owolabi Legunsen, Farah Hariri, and Darko Marinov
Evaluating Regression Test Selection Opportunities in a Very Large Open-Source Ecosystem
29th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
(ISSRE 2018), pages 112-122, Memphis, TN, Oct. 2018
Michael Hilton, Jonathan Bell, and Darko Marinov
A Large-Scale Study of Test Coverage Evolution
33rd IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2018), pages 53-63, Montpellier, France, Sep. 2018
Sarfraz Khurshid and Darko Marinov
Reducing Combinatorial Testing Requirements Based on Equivalences with Respect to the Code Under Test
7th Workshop on Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications
(SQAMIA 2018), pages 8:1-8:7, Novi Sad, Serbia, Aug. 2018
August Shi, Alex Gyori, Suleman Mahmood, Peiyuan Zhao, and Darko Marinov
Evaluating Test-Suite Reduction in Real-World Software Evolution
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2018), pages 84-94, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2018
Kaiyuan Wang, Allison Sullivan, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Solver-based Sketching of Alloy Models using Test Valuations
6th International ABZ Conference on ASM, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, Z
(ABZ 2018), pages 121-136, Southampton, UK, June 2018
Kaiyuan Wang, Allison Sullivan, Manos Koukoutos, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Systematic Generation of Non-Equivalent Expressions for Relational Algebra
6th International ABZ Conference on ASM, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, Z
(ABZ 2018), pages 105-120, Southampton, UK, June 2018
Jonathan Bell, Owolabi Legunsen, Michael Hilton, Lamyaa Eloussi, Tifany Yung, and Darko Marinov
DeFlaker: Automatically Detecting Flaky Tests
40th International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2018), pages 433-444, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2018
Tianyin Xu and Darko Marinov
Mining Container Image Repositories for Software Configurations and Beyond
40th International Conference on Software Engineering, New Ideas and Emerging Results
(ICSE NIER 2018), pages 49-52, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2018
Alex Groce, Josie Holmes, Darko Marinov, August Shi, and Lingming Zhang
An Extensible, Regular-Expression-Based Tool for Multi-Language Mutant Generation
40th International Conference on Software Engineering, Demonstrations Track
(ICSE Demo 2018), pages 25-28, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2018
Owolabi Legunsen, August Shi, and Darko Marinov
STARTS: STAtic Regression Test Selection
32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference On Automated Software Engineering,
Tool Demonstrations Track
(ASE Demo 2017), pages 949-954, Urbana-Champaign, IL, Oct.-Nov. 2017
Allison Sullivan, Kaiyuan Wang, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Darko Marinov
Evaluating State Modeling Techniques in Alloy
6th Workshop on Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications
(SQAMIA 2017), pages 16:1-16:09, Belgrade, Serbia, Sep. 2017
Michael Hilton, Nicholas Nelson, Timothy Tunnell, Darko Marinov, and Danny Dig
Trade-Offs in Continuous Integration: Assurance, Security, and Flexibility
11th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
(ESEC/FSE 2017), pages 197-207, Paderborn, Germany, Sep. 2017
(This paper won an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.)
Farnaz Jahanbakhsh, Wai-Tat Fu, Karrie Karahalios, Darko Marinov, and Brian Bailey
You Want Me to Work with Who? Stakeholder Perceptions of Automated Team Formation in Project-based Courses
35th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing System
(CHI 2017), pages 3201-3212, Denver, CO, May 2017
(This paper won a CHI Best Paper Award.)
Abdulrahman Mahmoud, Radha Venkatagiri, Khalique Ahmed, Sarita Adve, Darko Marinov, and Sasa Misailovic
Leveraging Software Testing to Explore Input Dependence for Approximate Computing
Workshop on Approximate Computing Across the Stack
(WAX 2017), Xi'an, China, April 2017
Alex Gyori, Ben Lambeth, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Darko Marinov
Exploring Underdetermined Specifications using Java PathFinder
Java Pathfinder Workshop
(JPF 2016), Seattle, WA, Nov. 2016
Alex Gyori, Ben Lambeth, August Shi, Owolabi Legunsen, and Darko Marinov
NonDex: A Tool for Detecting and Debugging Wrong Assumptions on Java API Specifications
24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Demo Papers
(FSE Demo 2016), pages 993-997, Seattle, WA, Nov. 2016
Owolabi Legunsen, Farah Hariri, August Shi, Yafeng Lu, Lingming Zhang, and Darko Marinov
An Extensive Study of Static Regression Test Selection in Modern Software Evolution
24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
(FSE 2016), pages 583-594, Seattle, WA, Nov. 2016
Farah Hariri, August Shi, Hayes Converse, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Evaluating the Effects of Compiler Optimizations on Mutation Testing at the Compiler IR Level
27th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
(ISSRE 2016), pages 105-115, Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 2016
Owolabi Legunsen, Wajih Ul Hassan, Xinyue Xu, Grigore Rosu, and Darko Marinov
How Good are the Specs? A Study of the Bug-Finding Effectiveness of Existing Java API Specifications
31st IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2016), pages 602-613, Singapore, Singapore, Sep. 2016
(This paper won an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award and was invited for journal submission.)
Michael Hilton, Timothy Tunnell, Kai Huang, Darko Marinov, and Danny Dig
Usage, Costs, and Benefits of Continuous Integration in Open-Source Projects
31st IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2016), pages 426-437, Singapore, Singapore, Sep. 2016
Mohammad Amin Alipour, August Shi, Rahul Gopinath, Darko Marinov, and Alex Groce
Evaluating Non-Adequate Test-Case Reduction
31st IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2016), pages 16-26, Singapore, Singapore, Sep. 2016
Danny Dig, Ralph Johnson, Darko Marinov, Brian Bailey, and Don Batory
COPE: Vision for a Change-Oriented Programming Environment
38th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering,
Visions of 2025 and Beyond
(ICSE 2016 V2025), pages 773-776, Austin, TX, May 2016
August Shi, Alex Gyori, Owolabi Legunsen, and Darko Marinov
Detecting Assumptions on Deterministic Implementations
of Non-deterministic Specifications
Ninth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing,
Verification and Validation
(ICST 2016), pages 80-90, Chicago, IL, April 2016
Ziyi Lin, Darko Marinov, Hao Zhong, Yuting Chen, and Jianjun Zhao
JaConTeBe: A Benchmark Suite of Real-World Java Concurrency Bugs
30th IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2015), pages 178-189, Lincoln, NE, November 2015
Karl Palmskog, Farah Hariri, and Darko Marinov
A Case Study on Executing Instrumented Code in Java PathFinder
Java Pathfinder Workshop
(JPF 2015), Lincoln, NE, November 2015
August Shi, Tifany Yung, Alex Gyori, and Darko Marinov
Comparing and Combining Test-Suite Reduction and
Regression Test Selection
10th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference
and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software
(ESEC/FSE 2015), pages 237-247, Bergamo, Italy, Sep. 2015
Milos Gligoric, Alex Groce, Chaoqiang Zhang, Rohan Sharma, Mohammad Amin Alipour, and Darko Marinov
Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
(ACM TOSEM), 24(4):22:1-22:33, August 2015
Sabrina Souto, Divya Gopinath, Marcelo d'Amorim, Darko Marinov, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Don Batory
Faster Bug Detection for Software Product Lines
with Incomplete Feature Models
19th International Software Product Line Conference
(SPLC 2015), pages 151-160, Nashville, TN, July 2015
Alex Gyori, August Shi, Farah Hariri, and Darko Marinov
Reliable Testing: Detecting State-Polluting Tests
to Prevent Test Dependency
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2015), pages 223-233, Baltimore, MD, July 2015
Milos Gligoric, Lamyaa Eloussi, and Darko Marinov
Practical Regression Test Selection
with Dynamic File Dependencies
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2015), pages 211-222, Baltimore, MD, July 2015
(This paper won an
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.)
Milos Gligoric, Lamyaa Eloussi, and Darko Marinov
Ekstazi: Lightweight Test Selection
37th International Conference on Software Engineering,
Demonstrations Track
(ICSE Demo 2015), pages 713-716, Florence, Italy, May 2015
Owolabi Legunsen, Darko Marinov, and Grigore Rosu
Evolution-Aware Monitoring-Oriented Programming
37th International Conference on Software Engineering,
New Ideas and Emerging Results
(ICSE NIER 2015), pages 615-618, Florence, Italy, May 2015
Yun Young Lee, Darko Marinov, and Ralph Johnson
Tempura: Temporal Dimension for IDEs
37th International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2015), pages 212-222, Florence, Italy, May 2015
Valeria S. Bengolea, Nazareno Aguirre, Darko Marinov, and Marcelo F. Frias
RepOK-based Reduction of Bounded Exhaustive Testing
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability
(STVR), 24(8):629-655, Dec. 2014
Qingzhou Luo, Farah Hariri, Lamyaa Eloussi, and Darko Marinov
An Empirical Analysis of Flaky Tests
22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of
Software Engineering
(FSE 2014), pages 643-653, Hong Kong, China, November 2014
(This paper was nominated for ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper award.)
(This paper won Test-of-Time Runner-Up Honorable Mention at FSE 2024.)
August Shi, Alex Gyori, Milos Gligoric, Andrey Zaytsev, and Darko Marinov
Balancing Trade-offs in Test-suite Reduction
22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of
Software Engineering
(FSE 2014), pages 246-256, Hong Kong, China, November 2014
Milos Gligoric, Stas Negara, Owolabi Legunsen, and Darko Marinov
An Empirical Evaluation and Comparison of Manual and Automated Test Selection
29th IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2014), pages 361-372, Vasteras, Sweden, September 2014
Allison Sullivan, Razieh Nokhbeh Zaeeem, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Darko Marinov
Towards a Test Automation Framework for Alloy
21st International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software
(SPIN 2014), pages 113-116, San Jose, CA, July 2014 (Short paper.)
Milos Gligoric, Rupak Majumdar, Rohan Sharma, Lamyaa Eloussi, and Darko Marinov
Regression Test Selection for Distributed Software Histories
26th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
(CAV 2014), pages 293-309, Vienna, Austria, July 2014
Lingming Zhang, Milos Gligoric, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Operator-based and Random Mutant Selection: Better Together
28th IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2013), pages 92-102, Palo Alto, CA, Nov. 2013
Aleksandar Milicevic, Daniel Jackson, Milos Gligoric, and Darko Marinov
Model-Based, Event-Driven Programming Paradigm for Interactive Web
Fourth Annual ACM International Conference on Systems, Programming,
Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH), Onward!
Research Papers
(Onward! 2013), pages 17-36, Indianapolis, IN, Oct. 2013
Chang Hwan Peter Kim, Darko Marinov, Sarfraz Khurshid, Don Batory, Sabrina Souto, Paulo Barros, and Marcelo d'Amorim
SPLat: Lightweight Dynamic Analysis for Reducing Combinatorics in
Testing Configurable Systems
9th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference
and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software
(ESEC/FSE 2013), pages 257-267, St. Petersburg, Russia, Aug. 2013
Milos Gligoric, Vilas Jagannath, Qingzhou Luo, and Darko Marinov
Efficient mutation testing of multithreaded code
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability
(STVR), 23(5):375-403, Aug. 2013
Milos Gligoric, Alex Groce, Chaoqiang Zhang, Rohan Sharma, Mohammad Amin Alipour, and Darko Marinov
Comparing Non-Adequate Test Suites using Coverage Criteria
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2013), pages 302-313, Lugano, Switzerland, July 2013
(This paper was invited for journal submission.)
Lingming Zhang, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Faster Mutation Testing Inspired by Test Prioritization and Reduction
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2013), pages 235-245, Lugano, Switzerland, July 2013
Milos Gligoric, Farnaz Behrang, Yilong Li, Jeffrey Overbey, Munawar Hafiz, and Darko Marinov
Systematic Testing of Refactoring Engines on Real Software
27th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
(ECOOP 2013), pages 629-653, Montpellier, France, July 2013
Yun Young Lee, Sam Harwell, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Darko Marinov
Temporal Code Completion and Navigation
35th International Conference on Software Engineering,
New Ideas and Emerging Results
(ICSE NIER 2013), pages 1181-1184, San Francisco, CA, May 2013
Adrian Nistor, Linhai Song, Darko Marinov, and Shan Lu
Toddler: Detecting Performance Problems via Similar Memory-Access
35th International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2013), pages 562-571, San Francisco, CA, May 2013
Lingming Zhang, Darko Marinov, Lu Zhang, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Regression Mutation Testing
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2012), pages 331-341, Minneapolis, MN, July 2012
Samira Tasharofi, Rajesh K. Karmani, Steven Lauterburg, Axel Legay, Darko Marinov, and Gul Agha
TransDPOR: A novel dynamic partial-order reduction for
testing actor programs
Joint international conference
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems and
Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems
(FMOODS & FORTE 2012), pages 219-234, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2012
Adrian Nistor, Qingzhou Luo, Michael Pradel, Thomas R. Gross, and Darko Marinov
Ballerina: Automatic Generation and Clustering of Efficient
Random Unit Tests for Multithreaded Code
34th International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2012), pages 727-737, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2012
Valeria Bengolea, Nazareno Aguirre, Darko Marinov, and Marcelo F. Frias
Using coverage criteria on RepOK to reduce bounded-exhaustive
test suites
6th International Conference on Tests & Proofs
(TAP 2012), pages 19-34, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2012
Vilas Jagannath, Matt Kirn, Yu Lin, and Darko Marinov
Evaluating Machine-Independent Metrics for State-Space Exploration
5th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification,
and Validation
(ICST 2012), pages 320-329, Montreal, Canada, April 2012
Shin Hwei Tan, Darko Marinov, Lin Tan, and Gary T. Leavens
@tComment: Testing Javadoc Comments to Detect Comment-Code Inconsistencies
5th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification,
and Validation
(ICST 2012), pages 260-269, Montreal, Canada, April 2012
Junaid Haroon Siddiqui, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Lightweight Data-flow Analysis for Execution-driven Constraint Solving
5th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification,
and Validation
(ICST 2012), pages 91-100, Montreal, Canada, April 2012
Milos Gligoric, Peter C. Mehlitz, and Darko Marinov
X10X: Model Checking a New Programming Language with an "Old" Model Checker
5th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification,
and Validation
(ICST 2012), pages 11-20, Montreal, Canada, April 2012
(This paper was nominated for the best paper award.)
Lingming Zhang, Darko Marinov, Lu Zhang, and Sarfraz Khurshid
An empirical study of JUnit test-suite reduction
22nd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
(ISSRE 2011), pages 170-179, Hiroshima, Japan, Nov. 2011
Shadi Abdul Khalek, Guowei Yang, Lingming Zhang, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
TestEra: A tool for testing Java programs using Alloy specifications
26th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Automated Software Engineering,
Tool Demonstrations Track
(ASE Demo 2011), pages 608-611, Lawrence, KS, Nov. 2011
Vilas Jagannath, Milos Gligoric, Dongyun Jin, Qingzhou Luo, Grigore Rosu, and Darko Marinov
Improved Multithreaded Unit Testing
8th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference
and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software
(ESEC/FSE 2011), pages 223-233, Szeged, Hungary, Sept. 2011
Milos Gligoric, Darko Marinov, and Sam Kamin
CoDeSe: Fast Deserialization via Code Generation
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2011), pages 298-308, Toronto, Canada, July 2011
Vilas Jagannath, Qingzhou Luo, and Darko Marinov
Change-Aware Preemption Prioritization
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2011), pages 133-143, Toronto, Canada, July 2011
Brett Daniel, Qingzhou Luo, Mehdi Mirzaaghaei, Danny Dig, Darko Marinov, and Mauro Pezzè
Automated GUI Refactoring and Test Script Repair (Position Paper)
First International Workshop on End-to-End Test Script
(ETSE 2011), pages 38-41, Toronto, Canada, July 2011
Samira Tasharofi, Milos Gligoric, Darko Marinov, and Ralph Johnson
Setac: A Framework for Phased Deterministic Testing of Scala Actor
Second Scala Workshop
(Scala Days 2011), Stanford, CA, June 2011
Brett Daniel, Danny Dig, Tihomir Gvero, Vilas Jagannath, Johnston Jiaa, Damion Mitchell, Jurand Nogiec, Shin Hwei Tan, and Darko Marinov
ReAssert: A Tool for Repairing Broken Unit Tests
International Conference on Software Engineering,
Demonstrations Track
(ICSE Demo 2011), pages 1010-1012, Honolulu, HI, May 2011
Rohan Sharma, Milos Gligoric, Andrea Arcuri, Gordon Fraser, and Darko Marinov
Testing container classes: Random or systematic?
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
(FASE 2011), pages 262-277, Saarbrucken, Germany, March 2011
Adrian Nistor, Darko Marinov, and Josep Torrellas
InstantCheck: Checking the Determinism of Parallel Programs
Using On-the-fly Incremental Hashing
43rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture
(MICRO 2010), pages 251-262, Atlanta, GA, December 2010
Steven Lauterburg, Rajesh K. Karmani, Darko Marinov, and Gul Agha
Basset: A Tool for Systematic Testing of Actor Programs
ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of
Software Engineering, formal tool demonstrations
(FSE Demo 2010), pages 363-364, Santa Fe, NM, November 2010
Ahmed Sobeih, Marcelo d'Amorim, Mahesh Viswanathan, Darko Marinov, and Jennifer C. Hou
Assertion checking in J-Sim simulation models of network protocols
Simulation: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation
(SIMULATION), 86(11):651-673, November 2010
Brett Daniel, Tihomir Gvero, and Darko Marinov
On Test Repair using Symbolic Execution
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2010), pages 207-218, Trento, Italy, July 2010
Vilas Jagannath, Milos Gligoric, Dongyun Jin, Grigore Rosu, and Darko Marinov
IMUnit: Improved Multithreaded Unit Testing
Third International Workshop on Multicore Software Engineering
(IWMSE 2010), pages 48-49, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010
Milos Gligoric, Tihomir Gvero, Vilas Jagannath, Sarfraz Khurshid, Viktor Kuncak, and Darko Marinov
Test Generation through Programming in UDITA
32nd International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2010), pages 225-234, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010
(This paper won an
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.)
Rohan Sharma, Milos Gligoric, Vilas Jagannath, and Darko Marinov
A Comparison of Constraint-based and Sequence-based Generation of
Complex Input Data Structures
2nd Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification and
(CSTVA 2010), Paris, France, April 2010
Vilas Jagannath, Milos Gligoric, Steven Lauterburg, Darko Marinov, and Gul Agha
Mutation Operators for Actor Systems
5th International Workshop on Mutation Analysis
(Mutation 2010), Paris, France, April 2010
Milos Gligoric, Vilas Jagannath, and Darko Marinov
MuTMuT: Efficient Exploration for Mutation Testing of Multithreaded
3rd International Conference on Software Testing, Verification,
and Validation
(ICST 2010), pages 55-64, Paris, France, April 2010
(This paper was invited for journal submission.)
Steven Lauterburg, Rajesh K. Karmani, Darko Marinov, and Gul Agha
Evaluating Ordering Heuristics for Dynamic Partial-Order
Reduction Techniques
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
(FASE 2010), pages 308-322, Paphos, Cyprus, March 2010
Adrian Nistor, Darko Marinov, and Josep Torrellas
Light64: Lightweight hardware support for race detection
during systematic testing of parallel programs
42nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture
(MICRO 2009), pages 541-552, New York City, NY, December 2009
Junaid Siddiqui, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Optimizing a structural constraint solver for efficient software
24th IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2009), pages 615-619, Auckland, New Zealand, November 2009 (Short paper.)
Steven Lauterburg, Mirco Dotta, Darko Marinov, and Gul Agha
A framework for state-space exploration of Java-based actor
24th IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2009), pages 468-479, Auckland, New Zealand, November 2009
Brett Daniel, Vilas Jagannath, Danny Dig, and Darko Marinov
ReAssert: Suggesting repairs for broken unit tests
24th IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2009), pages 433-444, Auckland, New Zealand, November 2009
Milos Gligoric, Tihomir Gvero, Steven Lauterburg, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Optimizing generation of object graphs in Java PathFinder
2nd International Conference on Software Testing, Verification,
and Validation
(ICST 2009), pages 51-60, Denver, CO, April 2009
Vilas Jagannath, Yun Young Lee, Brett Daniel, and Darko Marinov
Reducing the costs of bounded-exhaustive testing
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
(FASE 2009), pages 171-185, York, UK, March 2009
Marcelo d'Amorim, Steven Lauterburg, and Darko Marinov
Delta execution for efficient state-space exploration of
object-oriented programs
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
(IEEE TSE), 34(5):597-613, September/October 2008
Darko Marinov and Wolfram Schulte
Workshop on state-space exploration for automated testing
(SSEAT 2008)
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2008), pages 315-316, Seattle, WA, July 2008
Bassem Elkarablieh, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Efficient solving of structural constraints
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2008), pages 39-50, Seattle, WA, July 2008
Tihomir Gvero, Milos Gligoric, Steven Lauterburg, Marcelo d'Amorim, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
State extensions for Java PathFinder
International Conference on Software Engineering, Demo
(ICSE Demo 2008), pages 863-866, Leipzig, Germany, May 2008
Steven Lauterburg, Ahmed Sobeih, Darko Marinov, and Mahesh Viswanathan
Incremental state-space exploration for programs with
dynamically allocated data
International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2008), pages 291-300, Leipzig, Germany, May 2008
Brett Daniel, Danny Dig, Kely Garcia, and Darko Marinov
Automated testing of refactoring engines
6th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference
and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software
(ESEC/FSE 2007), pages 185-194, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sept. 2007
Sasa Misailovic, Aleksandar Milicevic, Nemanja Petrovic, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Darko Marinov
Parallel test generation and execution with Korat
6th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference
and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software
(ESEC/FSE 2007), pages 135-144, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sept. 2007
Marcelo d'Amorim, Steven Lauterburg, and Darko Marinov
Delta execution for efficient state-space exploration of
object-oriented programs
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2007), pages 50-60, London, UK, July 2007
(This paper was invited for journal submission.)
Brett Daniel, Danny Dig, Kely Garcia, and Darko Marinov
Automated testing of Eclipse and NetBeans refactoring tools
1st Workshop on Refactoring Tools
(WRT 2007), Berlin, Germany, July 2007
(A shorter version of C20.)
Yuanyuan Zhou, Darko Marinov, William Sanders, Craig Zilles, Marcelo d'Amorim, Steven Lauterburg, Ryan M. Lefever, and Joe Tucek
Delta execution for software reliability
Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability
(HotDep 2007), Edinburgh, UK, June 2007
Tao Xie, Kunal Taneja, Shreyas Kale, and Darko Marinov
Towards a framework for differential unit testing of object-oriented
2nd International Workshop on Automation of Software Test
(AST 2007), Minneapolis, MN, May 2007
Aleksandar Milicevic, Sasa Misailovic, Darko Marinov, and Sarfraz Khurshid
Korat: A tool for generating structurally complex test inputs
International Conference on Software Engineering, Demo
(ICSE Demo 2007), pages 771-774, Minneapolis, MN, May 2007
Sasa Misailovic, Aleksandar Milicevic, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Darko Marinov
Generating test inputs for fault-tree analyzers using imperative
Workshop on Advances and Innovations in Systems Testing
(STEP 2007), Memphis, TN, May 2007
Ahmed Sobeih, Mahesh Viswanathan, Darko Marinov, and Jennifer C. Hou
J-Sim: An integrated environment for simulation and model checking of
network protocols
Next Generation Software Workshop
(NSFNGS 2007), Long Beach, CA, Mar. 2007
Darko Marinov and Sarfraz Khurshid
What will the user do (next) in the tool?
First Alloy Workshop
(Alloy 2006), Portland, OR, Nov. 2006
Tao Xie, Jianjun Zhao, Darko Marinov, and David Notkin
Detecting redundant unit tests for AspectJ programs
17th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability
(ISSRE 2006), pages 179-190, Raleigh, NC, Nov. 2006
Marcelo d'Amorim, Ahmed Sobeih, and Darko Marinov
Optimized execution of deterministic blocks in Java PathFinder
8th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods
(ICFEM 2006), page 549-567, Macau, China, Nov. 2006
Marcelo d'Amorim, Carlos Pacheco, Tao Xie, Darko Marinov, and Michael D. Ernst
An empirical comparison of automated generation and classification
techniques for object-oriented unit testing
21st IEEE Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2006), pages 59-68, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 2006
(This paper was nominated for the best paper award and
invited for journal submission.)
Danny Dig, Can Comertoglu, Darko Marinov, and Ralph Johnson
Automated detection of refactorings in evolving components
20th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
(ECOOP 2006), volume 4067 of LNCS, pages 404-428, Nantes, France, July 2006
Xiaoming Li, Daryl Shannon, Jabari Walker, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Darko Marinov
Analyzing the uses of a software modeling tool
Sixth Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications
(LDTA 2006), Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2006
Ahmed Sobeih, Mahesh Viswanathan, Darko Marinov, and Jennifer Hou
Finding bugs in network protocols using simulation code and
protocol-specific heuristics
7th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods
(ICFEM 2005), volume 3785 of LNCS, pages 235-250, Manchester, UK, Nov. 2005
Koushik Sen, Darko Marinov, and Gul Agha
CUTE: A concolic unit testing engine for C
5th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference
and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software
(ESEC/FSE 2005), pages 263-272, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2005
(This paper won ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award in 2019.)
(This paper won an
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award in 2005.)
Danny Dig, Can Comertoglu, Darko Marinov, and Ralph Johnson
Automatic detection of refactorings for libraries and frameworks
International Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering
(WOOR 2005), Glasgow, UK, July 2005
(A previous version of C14.)
Darko Marinov, Sarfraz Khurshid, Suhabe Bugrara, Lintao Zhang, and Martin C. Rinard
Optimizations for compiling declarative models into boolean
International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing
(SAT 2005), volume 3569 of LNCS, pages 187-202, St. Andrews, UK,
June 2005
Tao Xie, Darko Marinov, Wolfram Schulte, and David Notkin
Symstra: A framework for generating object-oriented unit tests using
symbolic execution
11th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the
Construction and Analysis of Systems
(TACAS 2005), pages 365-381, Edinburgh, UK, Apr. 2005
Tao Xie, Jianjun Zhao, Darko Marinov, and David Notkin
Automated test generation for AspectJ program
Workshop on Testing Aspect-Oriented Programs
(WTAOP 2005), Chicago, IL, Mar. 2005
Darko Marinov
Automatic Testing of Software with Structurally Complex Inputs
PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, December 2004
Sarfraz Khurshid and Darko Marinov
TestEra: Specification-based testing of Java programs using SAT
Automated Software Engineering Journal
(JASE 2004),
11(4):403-434, October 2004
Tao Xie, Darko Marinov, and David Notkin
Rostra: A framework for detecting redundant object-oriented unit tests
19th IEEE Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2004),
Linz, Austria, September 2004
Darko Marinov and Robert O'Callahan
Object equality profiling
18th Annual ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems,
Languages, and Applications
(OOPSLA 2003),
pages 313-325, Anaheim, CA, October 2003
Darko Marinov, Alexandr Andoni, Dumitru Daniliuc, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Martin Rinard
An evaluation of exhaustive testing for data structures
Technical Report MIT-LCS-TR-921, MIT CSAIL, Cambridge, MA, September 2003
Darko Marinov and Rados Radoicic
Counting 1324-avoiding permutations
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
9(2): Research Paper 13, 9 pp. (electronic), 2003
Konstantine Arkoudas, Sarfraz Khurshid, Darko Marinov, and Martin Rinard
Integrating model checking and theorem proving for relational
7th International Seminar on Relational Methods in Computer
(RelMiCS 2003),
volume 3015 of LNCS, pages 21-33, Malente, Germany, May 2003
Sarfraz Khurshid, Darko Marinov, Ilya Shlyakhter, and Daniel Jackson
A case for efficient solution enumeration
Sixth International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing
(SAT 2003),
volume 2919 of LNCS, pages 272-286, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, May 2003
Sarfraz Khurshid, Darko Marinov, and Daniel Jackson
An analyzable annotation language
17th Annual ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems,
Languages, and Applications
(OOPSLA 2002),
pages 231-245, Seattle, WA, November 2002
Darko Marinov and Sarfraz Khurshid
VAlloy: Virtual functions meet a relational language
International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Getting IT
(FME 2002),
volume 2391 of LNCS, pages 234-251, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2002
Chandrasekhar Boyapati, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Darko Marinov
Korat: Automated testing based on Java predicates
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA 2002),
pages 123-133, Rome, Italy, July 2002
(This paper won ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award in 2012.)
(This paper won an
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award in 2002.)
Darko Marinov and Sarfraz Khurshid
TestEra: A novel framework for automated testing of Java programs
16th IEEE Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2001),
pages 22-31, San Diego, CA, November 2001
(This paper won ASE Most Influential Paper Award in 2015.)
(This paper was
nominated for the best paper award and
invited for journal submission in 2001.)
Sarfraz Khurshid and Darko Marinov
Checking Java implementation of a naming architecture using TestEra
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,
55(3), July 2001
Sarfraz Khurshid and Darko Marinov
Using TestEra to check the Intentional Naming System of Oxygen
MIT Student Oxygen Workshop
(SOW 2001),
pages 25-26, Gloucester, MA, July 2001
(An extended abstract of W6.)
Darko Marinov
Credible compilation
Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, September 2000
Darko Marinov, Davor Magdic, Aleksandar Milenkovic, Jelica Protic, Igor Tartalja, and Veljko Milutinovic
Scowl: A tool for characterization of parallel workload
and its use on Splash-2 application suite
8th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation
of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
(MASCOTS 2000),
pages 207-213, San Francisco, CA, August 2000
- A longer version:
Darko Marinov, Davor Magdic, Aleksandar Milenkovic, Jelica Protic, Igor Tartalja, and Veljko Milutinovic
The Scowl Tool for PC-Based Characterization of Parallel
In Veljko Milutinovic, author,
Surviving the Design of Microprocessor and Multimicroprocessor
Systems: Lessons Learned
Book Chapter appendix C, pages 260-283, John Wiley and Sons, 2000
Martin Rinard and Darko Marinov
Credible compilation with pointers
Workshop on Run-Time Result Verification
(RTRV 1999),
Trento, Italy, July 1999
Milos Prvulovic, Darko Marinov, Zoran Dimitrijevic, and Veljko Milutinovic
The split spatial/non-spatial cache: A performance and complexity
IEEE TCCA Newsletter, pages 18-25, July 1999
Milos Prvulovic, Darko Marinov, Zoran Dimitrijevic, and Veljko Milutinovic
Split temporal/spatial cache: A survey and reevaluation of
IEEE TCCA Newsletter, pages 8-17, July 1999
Jovan Djordjevic, Aleksandar Milenkovic, Ivan Todorovic, and Darko Marinov
CALKAS: A computer architecture learning and knowledge assessment
Workshop on Computer Architecture Education
(WCAE 1999),
Orlando, FL, January 1999
Milos Prvulovic, Darko Marinov, and Veljko Milutinovic
Performance evaluation of split temporal/spatial caches:
Paving the way to new solutions
Workshop on Performance Analysis and its Impact on Design
(PAID 1998),
Barcelona, Spain, June 1998
Darko Marinov, Davor Magdic, Aleksandar Milenkovic, Jelica Protic, Igor Tartalja, and Veljko Milutinovic
An approach to characterization of parallel applications for DSM
31st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System
(DSM 1998),
pages 782-783, Kohala Coast, HI, Jan. 1998
(An extended abstract of C1.)
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