Software and Datasets from
Darko Marinov's Group
Students working with Darko Marinov have released open-source code and
research datasets for several projects. These contributions include the
- ASTGen,
Test generation (using imperative test abstractions)
- Basset,
Systematic testing of actor programs
- CoCo,
Comparing non-adequate test suites using coverage criteria
- CoDeSe,
Dataset for fast deserialization via code generation
- Coverage,
Containter code instrumented for predicate coverage
- Ctest4J,
Configuration testing framework for Java
- Ekstazi,
Dynamic regression test selection
- FaMT,
Dataset for faster mutation testing
- iDFlakies,
Tool for detecting flaky tests
- IDoFT,
Dataset for flaky tests
- iFixFlakies,
Tool for fixing flaky tests
- IMUnit,
Improved multithreaded unit testing
- JaConTeBe,
Java test benchmarks with concurrency faults contributed to SIR
- JPF contributions,
Contributions to the Java PathFinder model checker
- Korat,
Test generation (using declarative test abstractions)
- NonDex,
Test exploration for non-deterministic specifications
- ReAssert,
Test repair
- ReEx,
Re-execution based exploration of multithreaded Java programs
- RTR,
Systematic testing of refactoring engines on real software projects
- Setac,
Test framework for (Scala) actor programs
Static regression test selection
- TestEra,
Test generation (using declarative test abstractions)
- Toddler,
Performance testing based on similar memory patterns
Test generation (using declarative and imperative test abstractions)
Yet another simple graph library
If you have any questions, it is the best to email directly the
students who led the projects (see the project pages for the email
addresses) and to CC Darko (see his home page for his email address).